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#!/bin/bash HOST="your_ftp_host" # FTP服务器地址 USERNAME="your_username" # FTP登录用户名 PASSWORD="your_password" # FTP登录密码 LOCALDIR="/path/to/local/directory/" # 要上传的本地目录路径 REMOTEDIR="/remote/directory/" # 远程目标目录路径(如果不存在则会自动创建)

Tags: Linux FTP

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Reset password lost without admin redmine account but with admin redmine database account Found in file /app/models/user.rb: 'The hashed password is stored in the following form: SHA1\(salt +SHA1)' So you can reset password in two steps:

Tags: MySQL redmine password

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1. 使用 find 命令 find 命令是一个功能强大的工具,可以用于在文件系统中搜索和查找文件。结合 -size 选项,我们可以使用 find 命令来查找指定大小的文件。


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查看所有数据库容量大小 select table_schema as '数据库', sum(table_rows) as '记录数', sum(truncate(data_length/1024/1024, 2)) as '数据容量(MB)', sum(truncate(index_length/1024/1024, 2)) as '索引容量(MB)' from information_schema.tables


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